Life is not about luck: you create own luck

How You Create Your Own Success/Luck

Some people seem to think that life is a lottery, where success depends on sheer luck. But the truth is far from it. Luck, as most of us perceive it, is not a magical force; it is the result of deliberate actions, consistent effort, and the right mindset. By embracing hard work, persistence, practice, and inspiration, you can shape your own path to success. Here’s how you can create your own luck.

1. Hard Work: Laying the Groundwork

  • What It Means: Hard work involves putting in consistent effort and focusing on meaningful tasks that bring you closer to your goals.
  • Why It Matters: Success doesn’t come to those who wait; it comes to those who prepare. Hard work sharpens your skills and creates opportunities that others might label as “lucky.”
  • Real-Life Example: Consider the story of a professional athlete. Behind every trophy is years of rigorous training, sleepless nights, and sacrifices. Their “luck” in winning a championship is actually the outcome of relentless effort.

2. Persistence: The Key to Overcoming Obstacles

  • What It Means: Persistence is about staying committed to your goals, even when faced with setbacks.
  • Why It Matters: Every worthwhile journey comes with challenges. What separates successful people from the rest is their ability to keep going when others quit.
  • Real-Life Example: J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series was rejected by multiple publishers before it became a global phenomenon. Her persistence turned what seemed like bad luck into a groundbreaking success story.

3. Practice: Mastery Through Repetition

  • What It Means: Practice involves refining your abilities through consistent repetition and learning.
  • Why It Matters: Skill mastery takes time and dedication. The more you practice, the better you become, which opens up opportunities for success.
  • Real-Life Example: A skilled surgeon performs hundreds of operations before mastering complex procedures. Their “luck” in saving lives is built on countless hours of practice.

4. Inspiration: Finding Your Driving Force

  • What It Means: Inspiration is the emotional or intellectual spark that motivates you to take action.
  • Why It Matters: Inspiration keeps you energized and focused, helping you push boundaries and think creatively.
  • Real-Life Example: Entrepreneurs often draw inspiration from solving real-world problems. For instance, the creation of Airbnb was inspired by the founders’ vision to help people find affordable lodging while traveling.

5. Mindset and Additional Tools for Success/Luck

  • Learn from Failures: Mistakes are opportunities in disguise. Each failure teaches you valuable lessons and builds resilience.
  • Stay Positive: A positive attitude helps you see possibilities instead of limitations, enabling you to act with confidence.
  • Take Action: Luck is often the result of being ready and willing to act when opportunity knocks. Procrastination leads nowhere; decisive action does.

Why You Create Your Own Luck

The concept of “luck” is often a reflection of your readiness and effort. People who seem lucky have usually worked hard, overcome challenges, and seized opportunities that others ignored. By developing a proactive mindset and focusing on growth, you increase your chances of success dramatically.


Luck isn’t about chance; it’s about choice. When you commit to hard work, persist through difficulties, hone your skills through practice, and draw inspiration from meaningful goals, you create the conditions for success. The next time someone says you were lucky, smile and remember—you made your own luck.

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